Eros-X is a brand based in Lakonia, Greece, under the management of CA-A Industries LLP, registered in the UK Company House, Registration number OC360080, whose registered office is located at 2nd Floor, 3 Brindleyplace, Birmingham UK, B1 2JB and is the publisher of the website
We processes your personal data.
Where does personal data we collect come from
All personal data is collected directly from you when you contact us by purchasing a product or contacting us through our website.
We strive to ensure Personal data is accurate. Should changes occur, please notify us.
Why your personal data is processed
Personal data is processed in the following data categories:
Contact data including email, postal address and telephone number;
Customer identification data (first name, surname, gender, age, passport number and nationality);
Location data (address including city, country);
User browsing data (IP address, etc.);
Order data and associated messages;
Order history data which includes order number, date, purchase history, name of buyer if different;
User Payment data;
History of communications (by email, etc);
Application information (Cover letter and CV);
Marketing and logistics data including sales, orders, after sales service, sales reports, email campaigns, and requested information.
The purposes of our processing
Management of payments;
Management of remote sales;
Management of recruitment applications;
Customers and Prospects management of responses and enquiries;
Orders and deliveries management;
After-sales service management;
Product guarantees management;
Management of communications;
Legal compliance.
Legal basis
Data is only processed if at least one of these conditions is met:
Legitimate interest on our part, or on the part of a third party, which justifies carrying out the processing of concerned personal data;
Your obtained consent to the processing operations;
Regulatory and legal obligations that requires processing of personal data.
Who your personal data is shared with
We do not share data collected with any third party, unless it is required by law.
Only these categories of persons may be in receipt of the data collected for the reasons following:
Courts or authorities;
Our subcontractors and service providers;
Our staff.
This data is only accessed by authorised persons. We ensure that the data is only accessed by those authorised.
We use first level subcontractors that are located within the European Union. We do not directly transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area in the context of data outsourcing.
We trade throughout the world and your personal data may be transferred outside the country where you are located. This includes transfers to countries outside the European Union ("EU") and to countries where the law does not provide sufficient protection for personal data according to the European Commission. Data transferred will be mainly courier services data to ensure your ordered products are delivered to you.
How long do we keep your personal data
Personal data of our customers is kept for only the time necessary for the management of our prospects and our commercial relationship.
Your rights
You may:
Request access to your personal data;
Request the deletion of your personal data;
Request the correction of your personal data;
Object to the processing of your personal data;
Request a restriction on the processing of your personal data;
Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, if applicable;
Tell us what to do with your personal data, once concluded.
© 2025 CA-A Industries LLP. All rights reserved. The Eros-X Virgin Olive Oil logo ® , the and all associated designs and concepts are trademarks of CA-A Industries LLP. Unauthorized use is prohibited.